Evaluasi Rasionalitas Penggunaan Obat Dispepsia Pada Pasien Rawat Jalan di Salah Satu Puskesmas Kota Batam
Dyspepsia, Treatment, RationalityAbstract
Dyspepsia is a collection of clinical symptoms that include recurrence in the upper abdomen and persistent discomfort in the stomach. The aim of this research is to find out whether giving medication to outpatient dyspepsia patients at the Baloi Permai Community Health Center, Batam City is rational or not. This research was conducted in an analytical observational manner using a descriptive research design, namely by taking patient data from medical records and prescriptions for patients suffering from dyspepsia at the Baloi Permai Community Health Center, Batam City for the period February-July 2023. The research instruments used were patient medical records and data forms. patient. The total population in the study was 628 patients. After calculating using the Slovin formula, the sample obtained in the study was 245 samples which met the inclusion criteria. Sampling in the research was used using purposive sampling technique. The parameters taken in the research are the correct indication, correct diagnosis, correct dose and correct drug parameters. The results of the study showed that dyspepsia was mostly experienced by women, amounting to 64.89% (159 people), most sufferers of dyspepsia were experienced by patients aged 15-25 years, amounting to 31.43% (77 people). The medication most commonly received by dyspepsia patients is the antsida doen type. The evaluation results showed that the drug was 100% correct, the indication was 100% correct, the dose was 100% correct, and the diagnosis was 100% correct. In the statistical analysis, the results showed that the prescribing pattern given to dyspepsia patients met the rational requirements and had a significant rationality value.
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