Tingkat Kecemasan Pasien dalam Tindakan Pencabutan Gigi Pada Pasien di Klinik Gigi GIA Dental Care
Anxiety Level, Tooth Extraction, Dental CareAbstract
Background Patient anxiety has side effects on dental treatment procedures performed. Anxiety & fear of dental treatment can also cause sufferers to tend to avoid or postpone treatment and possibly cancel dental treatment. This study aims to describe the level of patient anxiety during tooth extraction at the GIA Dental Care clinic. Method: This study uses a descriptive method. The study was conducted in May 2021. The number of samples in this study was 42 respondents with a sampling technique using the accidental sampling method. The data collection technique was carried out by filling out a questionnaire sheet on the level of patient anxiety during tooth extraction. The data obtained were then tabulated and presented in the form of a frequency distribution table. Results: Based on the results of the study conducted on tooth extraction patients at the GIA Dental Care Clinic, 16 respondents (38.0%). Mild Anxiety 21 (50.0%), Moderate Anxiety 4 (9.5%), Severe Anxiety 1 respondent (2.4%) and Panic none (0%). So it can be concluded that most patients have mild anxiety levels.
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