Asuhan Kebidanan Komprehensif Pada Ny. U Umur 27 Tahun Dengan Riwayat Sectio Caesarea Di Puskesmas Bumiayu Kabupaten Brebes Tahun 2023
Comprehensive midwifery care, history of caesarean sectionAbstract
According to WHO, the rate of sectio caesarean delivery in Indonesia is 15.3% of a sample of 20,591 mothers who gave birth in the last 5 years surveyed from 33 provinces. While in Central Java Province (2019) who have performed cesarean section delivery as much as 10.10%, while in government hospitals approximately 11% while private hospitals can be more than 30%. The purpose of the research is to provide comprehensive midwifery care services to pregnant women, postpartum women, newborns, postpartum mothers and family planning in a comprehensive manner through the midwifery management approach according to Varney and SOAP. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method with a field observational case study approach. The research results showed that based on comprehensive midwifery care for Mrs. U with a history of caesarean section during pregnancy found no problems. Mrs. U gave birth using a caesarean section because she had a history of caesarean section in a previous pregnancy and to prevent complications for the mother and baby. In the care of newborns, no problems were found. In postpartum care no problems were found. Mrs. U chose 3-month injectable birth control contraception. It can be concluded that comprehensive care provided appropriately by midwives is very important for the health of the mother and baby so that early detection of a history of caesarean section can prevent possible complications.
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