About the Journal

  1. Journal Title : Calory Journal : Medical Laboratory Journal
  2. Initials : Calory Journal
  3. Frequency : March, Juny, September, dan December
  4. Print ISSN : 3026-5754
  5. Online ISSN : 3026-5746
  6. Editor in Chief : Aulia Mutiara Hikmah, S.Si., M.Si.
  7. DOI : 10.57213

Calory Journal : Medical Laboratory Journal with e-ISSN : 3026-5746, p-ISSN : 3026-5754 is a journal intended for the publication of scientific articles published by the LPPM STIKES SOCIAL FAVORITE INDONESIA. This journal is Calory Journal : Medical Laboratory Journal which is peer-reviewed and open. The field of study in this journal includes the Medical Laboratory. Calory Journal : Medical Laboratory Journal accepts articles in English and Indonesian and is published 4 times a year : March, Juny, September, dan December.

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Current Issue

Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024): Calory Journal : Medical Laboratory Journal
					View Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024): Calory Journal : Medical Laboratory Journal

Calory Journal : Medical Laboratory Journal with e-ISSN : 3026-5746, p-ISSN : 3026-5754 is a journal intended for the publication of scientific articles published by the LPPM STIKES SOCIAL FAVORITE INDONESIA. This journal is Calory Journal : Medical Laboratory Journal which is peer-reviewed and open. The field of study in this journal includes the Medical Laboratory. Calory Journal : Medical Laboratory Journal accepts articles in English and Indonesian and is published 4 times a year : March, Juny, September, dan December.

Published: 2025-01-20


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